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Tips & Tricks - You Need To Follow This In Smartphones

Tips & Tricks

In this blog we discuss, what precautions should we take while using a smartphone.

Now a days we all use mobile phones but we do some mistakes which leads to make reduce the life of your smartphone. Below we suggest few ways to increase your mobiles life.

Here we discuss three major points.

1. Battery
2. Heating
3. Additional

1. Battery 

Now a days we have huge battery life for smartphones. But after few months the battery drains faster. We can avoid some amount of battery drain problem.

-> Don't use while plugged to charger.

-> Don't plug charger before battery percentage is below 15-20.

-> Off auto rotate.

-> If your mobile has a OLED you should use a dark wallpaper. It will help to improve your battery backup.

2. Heating

Now a days mobile getting powerful so it generate heat which is common, brands already will take safety measurements but, by doing some of irresponsible things mobile phones will heats way more than actual. So,  below few points you can avoid.

-> Avoid using mobile when charging. If you use mobile when charging, it will heat smartphones very fast. It affects on battery too.

-> Try to avoid using bulky cases, it will effect mobile very much. If possible try not to use cases.

-> If you are at a place where you don't get any signal, you should turn on flight mode. Because even you are in no signal zone your smartphone always keep on searching for signals and it causes unnecessary heat. And it effects on battery more.

3. Additional 

-> Turn on blue light filter in mobile. If you use mobiles in dark conditions you should turn on blue light filter. It will protect your eyes with harmful blue light.
->  Use high quality tempered glass on your screen. 
-> Don't use un authorized apps. Those apps may destroy your privacy and may use your data internally.
-> We should be aware while allowing permission for apps. We should give permission to app if it really require that particular feature otherwise you should deny it.

These are few of the precautions we must take. These tips will helo you little bit to expand your smartphone life.

That's it for this blog hope you find it informative. Please do share across your friends & family and do support us.

Thank You!

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