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IC- Integrated Chip (PART 2)


ICs are the brain and heart of every electronic device.I already had published the intro part of IC blog.

Here it is click  .Refer it Now for refreshing the knowledge about ICs.

This blog is the part 2 of ICs. The topic is -Types of ICs based on the size and Types of ICs based on intended applications.

Classification of ICs evolved from it's SIZE

The classification of ICs can be done based on the sizes of the chip and integration scale. Here, an integration scale specifies the number of electronic components placed into a typical Integrated Circuit.

Small Scale Integration(SSI)

It has 10 to 100 transistors fabricated on a single chip to make logic gates (3 to 30 gates per chip) and this Integration technology was used between the years 1961 to 1965

Medium Scale Integration(MSI)

This was used from 1966 to 1970s. It's used to fabricate 100 to 1000 transistors on a single chip to make multiplexers, decoders & counters.And at the same time the number of gates it can have is 30 to 300 gates per chip.

Large Scale Integration(LSI)

In this,about 1000 to 20000 transistors are embeddes on a single chip to make RAM, microprocessor, ROM and it creates to operate 300 to 3000 gates on a single chip. Used between 1971 to 1979

Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI)

This is the most used Integration Technology from 1980 to1984.This technology fabricates 20000 to 50000 transistors on a single chip to make RISC microprocessors, DSPs, and mi16-bit and 32-bit microprocessors.Number of gates are more than 3000 per chip.

Ultra Large Scale Integration(ULSI)

Now-a-days , New technology in ICs is ULSI in which 50000 to billions of transistors are fabricated on a single chip to make 64-bit microprocessors. 
ULSI technology is been using since 1985 to till.


Digital Integrated Circuit

The integrated circuits that operate only at a few defined levels instead of operating overall levels of signal amplitude are called Digital ICs.These ICs work with binary input data or digital input data, such as 0 (low or false or logic 0) and 1 (high or true or logic 1).

Digitial ICs are further sub categorized as:

▪︎Micro Proccessors
▪︎Micro Controllers
▪︎MOS Memory
▪︎Floating Gate memory
▪︎Level Shifters
▪︎Power Management ICs
▪︎Programmable Devices

I will share the knowledge of each and everything about the above mentioned contents in upcoming blogs.

Analog Integrated Circuit

The integrated circuits that operate over a continuous range of signals are called Analog ICs. 

These are subdivided into :

▪︎Linear Integrated Circuits (Linear ICs)

In an analog integrated circuit, if a linear relation among its voltage and current exists then it is known as linear IC. The best example of this linear IC is 741 IC, it is an 8-pin DIP (Dual In-line Package) op-amp.

▪︎Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RF ICs).

In analog IC, if a non-linear relation among its voltage and current exists ,then it is called radiofrequency ICs.

Mixed Integrated Circuit

The integrated circuits that are obtained by the combination of analog and digital ICs on a single chip are called Mixed ICs. These ICs functions as Digital to Analog converters, Analog to Digital converters (D/A and A/D converters), and clock/timing ICs.


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