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ICs are in numerous in types.But each type has it's own function. Each and every type of IC is made to play it's specific operation in electronic world.

Hi, This blog contains the general types of ICs which are more frequently used ones or fundamental ICs I say.
Before getting knowledge from this blog, refer   IC - Integration Chip Part 1 and Part 2 introduction part of our IC blogs

                      LOGIC CIRCUITS 

Every electronic device must have a logic gates embedded in their components. Even a simple and tiny electronic device must contains a logic gate to function it's operation. For example as a switch(ON and OFF), it needs a Logic Gate.

Logic Circuit is a complex circuit of gates which are connected on a chip. This performs as logic gates.


The IC which is made to function the operation of comparing the output(voltage or current) of the circuit with the other is known as Comparator
A Comparator is useful at some circumstances when there's a need of comparing the output or to measure the value which we wants.

                      SWITCHING ICs

The IC whose function is to control the current and ON/OFF the power supply for unneccessary circuits.
Inserting Switching ICs made ease to protect the power supply line.It should be noted that it does not controls the Voltage.

There are types of Swirching ICs according to their place of usage.

• USB Switch IC
• Rectifier Switch IC
• Load Switch IC
• Battery Line Switch IC 
• Intelligent Power Switch IC
• External Power Switch IC
• Express Card IC


The basic operation of an amplifier is a circuit which takes the lower value or signal as input , amplifies it and gives the output by increasing the signal value.
Such that Audio Amplifier IC is a circuit on a chip which amplifies the audio signal to increase the stength of the audio signal and it sounds louder than usual audio.


The full form of CMOS is Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.It is the most used fabricating technology of ICs as it consumes low power and accesses its operation as a logic circuit very fast. 

The IC which has the CMOS transistor is used in making micro controllers, image sensors etc.
                VOLTAGE REGULATOR IC

Voltage Regulator is a circutry which generates the voltage itself without any fluctuations ,it means a constant DC voltage which is required to operate many internal functions in a device. The IC which acts as Voltage Regulator is Voltage Regulator IC.

These are further classified into
• Fixed Voltage Regulator IC
• Adjustable Voltage Regulator IC
• Switching Regulator
• 3 terminal Voltage Regulator
• 5 terminal Voltage Regator


The amplifier which has the feedback system and it operates many functions is the Operational Amplifier.This is the most most most important Circuit in electronics.

I'll further publish a blog only on Operational Amplifiers in detail in upcoming days.

                           TIMER ICs  

Timer IC is a type of IC which performs the timing of delay and stable output pulses.
According to its internal component values like capacitor,resistor the time of delay and duration is defined in the output.
The most commonly used Timer IC is 555 IC Timer.

That's it for this blog hope you find it informative. Please do share across your friends & family and do support us.

Thank You!

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